![Logo Kinderhilfswerk Eine Welt e.V.](https://www.publicrelations-germany.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Logo-Kinderhilfswerk-Eine-Welt-1170x658.png)
We help children
Since 1975 the aid organization Children Charity Organization One World (Kinderhilfswerk Eine Welt) initiates, promotes and supports projects aiming at health, care and education of children in the third world. Supported by local confidants, our organization seeks to operate both effectively and efficiently. Securing human rights, children’s rights and last but not least girls’ rights (including fighting female circumcision) is the superior goal of our work.
Continuity in helping others to help themselves
Our projects, spread over Africa, Asia and South America, are united by a common goal: improving children’s living conditions where physical and intellectual talent can develop freely and bear fruit. Only if human beings know where they belong, dignity and self-respect will prosper and find its proper expression. We therefore support resources – within education, healthcare and human care – from which children as the weakest members of our society will benefit for the rest of their lives. As we seek to live up to our own aspirations and ambitions, our working process requires patience, trust and the openness to self-criticism. Having completed over four decades of successful projects we confidently welcome new tasks and challenges and still will be in the future to overcome child poverty and lack of perspective.
The Projects / Working Standards
Ever since our children’s fund was setup, we have monitored the planning and implementation of every project, applying strict quality standards. In over four decades of experience in practical humanitarian aid, the following standards became the basis and constant regulatory norm for our development work.
Transparent organization routine work processes and transparent personnel structures inform us about the project status at all times. We highly value the competence and reliability of our local partners – doctors and nurses, pastors and teachers, engineers and technicians – and have made positive experiences with our ombudsman throughout the past years. Their inspection reports form the basis of all strategic and operative decisions.
Sustainability impact upholding the principle of responsible self-help, we transfer the projects that we have initiated to the local population or local partner organizations – without losing sight of the project’s long-term development. Numerous expert evaluations ensure that u, orphanages and health centres maintain their caring role, proving us that the donated funds are being used efficiently and our projects really do make a difference.
Socio-cultural perceptiveness extensive talks with the village communities, doctors, teachers and mayors function as a basis for the planning process of our projects. The needs and know-how of these contacts have a decisive influence on our project design. The profound intercultural skills of our staff in Germany have facilitated constructive development work over many years.