Gruner + Jahr


PR Agency Germany - Industrie-Contact
Gruner + Jahr


Gruner + Jahr (G+J) is one of the largest premium magazine publishers in Europe, based in Hamburg. It includes such established print and digital brands as STERN, GEO, BRIGITTE, ESSEN & TRINKEN and SCHÖNER WOHNEN – as well as younger brands such as CHEFKOCH, BARBARA, BEEF, 11FREUNDE. In addition to the numerous print and digital media offerings, there are products and licenses such as the SCHÖNER WOHNEN collection. The digital business contributes more than half of revenues and is exhibiting continued strong growth. Indeed, the company’s digital products lead the rankings in all publishing segments, from news through to people and living.

Gruner + Jahr has been part of RTL Deutschland since January 1, 2022. Together with Gruner + Jahr, RTL Deutschland is Germany’s leading entertainment company, spanning all types of media: TV and streaming, print and digital, radio and podcasts. It is home to some of the country’s strongest media brands, from RTL to STERN, BRIGITTE to VOX, and GEO to Ntv.