Portuguese Association of Resorts

PR Agency Germany - Industrie-Contact

Portuguese Association of Resorts

The Portuguese Association of Resorts (APR) gathers carefully selected real estate developers, promoters, agents, consultants, lawyers, and financial institutions that offer the best second home products and services nationwide.

We are a non-profit private organization recognized by the National Tourism Office and the Confederation of Tourism of Portugal. Our activities include:

  • international promotion of our associates and of Portugal as a leading destination for residential tourism,
  • commissioning and production of statistics, studies and market intelligence in general,
  • liaising with government and other official entities in the representation of the interests of our members to propose legislative measures, and carry out investment programs.
  • providing assistance to anyone considering moving to or buying a second home in Portugal.

APR contributes to the development and internationalization of our associates and the Residential Tourism sector in Portugal.

We are the most representative and effective defender of the valuation of Residential Tourism as a strategic product of national economic development.
