Industrie-Contact wins 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze award
At the PRGN Best Practice Awards 2020, Industrie-Contact won a total of four prizes. First place in the newly created category “Client Communications in COVID-19” for the entry “Creativity is stronger than the Virus” deserves special mention. In it, the agency presented five successful communication campaigns, all of which focus on combating the coronavirus. IC became generally accepted in this category with the highest number of applicants against 23 further strong contributions.
The second gold award with the “Business Power Award” is also remarkable. It is awarded to the agency that has generated the most business for other agencies in the network.
The silver award in the category “Agency Collaboration” was given for a successful communication campaign in cooperation with the partner agencies LCWA from Chicago and Spider from London for the US customer Trex, manufacturer of high-quality WPC decking. In addition to classic media work, an international survey and photo shoots, a social media pilot project was implemented, influencer co-operations were realized and individual support for retailer communication was initiated.
The agency won the bronze award in the equally competitive category “B2B Communications”. A campaign for the Hessian sister companies VIROTECH Diagnostics and NovaTec Diagnostics, which produce high-quality COVID-19 test kits (PCR and ELISA), was awarded.
This year’s PRGN Best Practice Awards competition had a record participation of 35 agencies with 199 submissions in 23 categories. “By competing with first-class PR agencies around the world, we can constantly develop ourselves: ‘Learning from the best’ is the principle. When we succeed in winning four awards in the face of such strong international competition, it fills us with pride,” says Jonathan Klimke, CEO of Industrie-Contact AG.