New methods promise a high level of security
Buying clothes in an online shop, paying the subscription for the streaming service or just quickly transferring a little money to a friend – all this and more has long been part of everyday life on the Internet. However, there is one small problem: many Internet users are still not convinced that payments on the internet are really secure.
Although a wide variety of providers are constantly trying to find new methods to ensure that this prejudice no longer applies, at the same time there are always negative headlines. In July 2019, for example, hackers captured the credit card data of around 100 million bank customers in the USA, and in recent years similar headlines have repeatedly appeared in Europe as well. In Germany, for example, the authorities repeatedly warn that cybercrime is on the rise. There are, however, alternatives that stand for a high level of security.
E-Wallets as an option
For many years now, the so-called e-wallets have been established as an alternative payment method on the internet. The way they work is very simple: The user sets up an account with a provider and can either link this account to his credit card or bank account or deposit a small amount of credit on it. Afterwards, the user can then make purchases from various providers on the Internet, and the payments are processed via the respective e-wallet. For this purpose, however, only your own e-mail address is transferred to the various online shops. All sensitive data is held exclusively by the e-wallet provider. These service providers attach great importance to protecting their customers’ data and are primarily specialized in this area. This makes it much less likely that they will be successfully attacked by hackers than online shops or others.
Usage in many cases possible
Due to their ease of use, e-wallets have spread enormously in recent years. In addition, new providers are coming onto the market time and again, promising even more security or other advantages. It is therefore not easy for users to maintain an overview. In addition, one should of course opt for a variant that enjoys the widest possible acceptance so that one does not need several accounts with different e-wallets. Some industries are absolute pioneers in terms of acceptance. For example, in most online casinos you can finance your bets for gambling on the internet with a large number of e-wallets. In most Casinos it is even possible to receive additional credits for many deposits as a bonus. Thus, the operators of these portals ensure that as many users as possible are interested in their offers.
More work still needed
While online casinos or portals for software accept many different e-wallets, the situation is different in many online shops. So here the operators still have a little work to do if they want to address as many internet users as possible who do not want to transfer credit card data. The situation is similar for portals that can be used to book travel or reserve flights. All in all, it is therefore worth keeping an eye on the market in the coming years – there will certainly always be one or two new providers who will quickly attract attention.